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               A JV of RITES Ltd & Ministry of Railways
Renewable Energy Resource

Renewable Energy Resource

Indian Railways has targeted to reduce its dependence on fossil fuel by harnessing Renewable Energy sources. In order to achieve the target, set by Govt. of India (GoI) to achieve 500GW capacity by 2030, Indian Railways has also envisaged to source around 30 GW renewable power by 2030 across Zonal Railways (ZRs) and Production Units (PUs).

Several measures in the renewable energy sector such as :-

  • Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for procurement of power from grid connected solar PV and wind power projects
  • Solar-wind hybrid policy are intended to create investment opportunities in the sector
  • Waiver of transmission charges and losses for renewable projects, these, coupled with historic lows in solar and wind tariffs have completely transformed business dynamics in the sector.
Renewable Energy Resource

Further, the Renewable Purchase Obligations trajectories set by Government of India is likely to enhance the opportunity for capacity growth in renewable energy space.

REMC Ltd is the Nodal agency for planning, tendering / bid processing and implementation of RE projects on behalf of IR. The variability caused due to integration of renewable energy into the grid has opened up many opportunities for possible energy solutions under the umbrella of ancillary services, such as battery energy storage, round the clock power using 100% renewable power efficient ramping up and down of thermal generating units etc.

Till date, the cumulative capacity of awarded solar roof-top, ground mounted solar project and wind projects by REMCL are approximately 250 MW, 52 MW & 93 MW respectively.

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Solar Power Projects

Status of solar power ongoing projects are as under:

i) 250 MW solar roof-top projects:

REMC LTD successfully awarded 250 MW solar roof top projects on behalf of ZRs remcl has facilitated commissioning of about 65.29 MW SRTPP on various establishment  accrose various ZR&PU. Some of these projects have been successfully executed & commissioned whereas some are under various stages of execution.

Railway Energy Management
Railway Energy Management

ii) 50 MW solar ground mounted project:

REMC Ltd has successfully awarded the Solar Power Developer. Land lease agreement signed between SECR and REMC Ltd. Land Use Permission Agreement (LUPA) signed between REMCL and Solar Power Developer. The plant is expected to generate approx. 100 MUs of solar power annually. Power generated from this plant is being evacuated through nearby CTU/PGCIL substation at Raipur and shall be used for traction purpose in UP-ISTS and karnataka states for partly fulfillment of RPO of IR. . The project is  commissioned on 22.04.2023 and power flow as also started .

iii) 400 MW solar ground mounted project:

Indian Railways has planned to source green energy from upcoming mega solar park in Madhya Pradesh being developed by Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Energy (RUMS) Ltd, a JV between Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) & Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. (MPUVNL). The proposed capacity of the solar park will be 1500 MW out of which 400 MW power will be supplied to Indian Railways in states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, UP-STU, Haryana, Jharkhand, DVC Area & Bihar, under optimum scheduling method & limited to 195 MW (equivalent to 400 MW solar plant capacity). This will help Indian Railways to meet its Solar Power Obligations (SPOs) as per MoP requirements. Tri partirti power purch agrement has been sing on 25.11.2021. betwwen RUMSC, solar Power Developer & west centrel Railway as National Railway. Construction work has already started on various sites and MOU from beneficiary starty is being obtaine for facilitatiy power flow.