- REMC Ltd has provided the financial support for health & nutrition programmes in Jammu & Kashmir by conducting medical programmes of awareness cum sensitization on “women hygiene, health & Nutrition” at Town Plaza, Kulgam, J&K & Himayat Centre, Kulgam, J&K through the NGO- The Human Race (Implementing Agency) under CSR OF REMC Ltd. Sanitary kits containing sanitary napkins, hand sanitizers, hand wash, mask, soap & toothpaste etc were been distributed during these medical camps.
- REMC Ltd has taken up an initiative of promoting education by providing sponsorship for family homes in Haryana & Orissa and supporting employment linked Higher Education in Faridabad, Delhi & Bhubaneswar. The project was successfully implemented through the SOS Children Village of India (an NGO – implementing agency).
- REMC Ltd is also Promoting health care including preventive health care, sanitation and Contributing to the Swachh Bharat Kosh set-up by the Central Government for the promotion of cleanliness & sanitation by procuring Textile carry bags & Two Layers Cotton Masks through NGO- Vishwas Sansthan, Udaipur (Raj.).