• Website last updated at: 27-Sep-2022 05:27 PM
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               A JV of RITES Ltd & Ministry of Railways

Working at REMC Ltd:

REMC Ltd is an organization which deals with the innovative solutions for managing the power portfolio of IR by implementing energy management and efficient technologies. People at REMC ltd are well versed with skills and expertise in various technical fields. They believe in hard working as well as smart working. Timely completion of the assignments and projects are their trademark. They are ready to shoulder higher responsibilities with full dedication and commitment. Regular training and capacity building programmers in various technical fields makes them competitive and technically sound among the peers.

REMC Ltd believes in “united we stand and divide we fall”, with this annotation company is continuously working in teams to cater the best results to their clients. The best practices of the company strengthen the core expertise of employees and provide them healthy working environment.

S.no Name (Sh.) Designation Contact-Number  E-Mail Address
1 Shri. Prem Singh Meena Director 7226951116 singh.ps68@gmail.com
2 Sh. Sanjay Singh  Chief Executive Officer 9717630471 sanjaysingh.76@rites.com
3 Mr. Ved Prakash Pandey PA 7903424878 vedpandey022@gmail.com
Power Procurement & Planning    
1 Sh.Manish Tiwari General Manager - I 9810404789 manishtiwari@rites.com
2 Sh. Deepak Kumar Senior Manager 9718588912 deepak.chopra@rites.com
3 Smt. Parul Mishra Senior Manager 9718588913 parulmishra@rites.com
   4 Sh. Ashok Gupta Senior Manager 9810341569 ashok6.2007@rites.com
5 Sh. Vikash Kumar  Manager 9650736324 remc.vikash@rites.com
6 Sh. Manivishnu  Manager 9340808352 manivishnu.m@rites.com
7 Ms. KanuPriya Sharma  Manager 9868947150 Kanupriya.sharma@rites.com
8 Sh. Rahul Nainwal  Asst Manager 8126041966 rahulnainwalremcl@gmail.com
9 Ms. Saroj Poonia Asst Manager 9784458347 sarojpoonia7@gmail.com
10 Mr. Nandlal Gupta Asst Manager 8543987228 nandlal281292@gmail.com
11 Mr. Pappu Kumar Asst Manager 9621168304 pappukumar.rites@gmail.com
   12 Ms. Ananya Anidita` Engineer 7978029191 anindita.ananyaa@gmail.com
13 Mr. Ashwini Anurag Engineer 7017625717 Ashwinianurag10@gmail.com
Renewable Energy (Wind & Solar)/ Business Development 
1  Sh. Rizwan Ahmad Jamali  Group General Manager - I    8604137707    jamali.r.a@rites.com
2 Sh. Surender Kumar Gupta Group General Manager - III 9811560868 skgupta@rites.com
3 Mrs. K. Puja General Manager - II 9945063911 k.puja@rites.com
4 Sh.  Abhishek General Manager - III 9205135581 abhishek@rites.com
5 Sh. Vineet Prakash  Sr. Senior Manager 9810887929 vpshrivastava@rites.com
6 Sh. Prashant Singh Sr. Senior Manager 9971001565 prashant@rites.com
7 Sh. Deepak Kumar Singh  Manager 8629057128 deepakk.singh16@rites.com
8 Sh. Anees Ahmad Manager 8383800604 anees.malik@rites.com
9 Ms. Jyoti Singh Manager 9599057522 jyoti1.singh@rites.com
10 Sh. MD Motiur Rahaman  Section Officer 9871236835 motiur.rahaman@rites.com

 Sh. Mohd Ayub Ansari

Engineer 9773625580


12 Mr. Raja IT Engineer 7982091783 rajkumar00001997@gmail.com
13 Mr. Krishna Kumar Office Assistant 8084669479 kk.remcl@gmail.com
14 Ms. Priya Mall Office Assistant 9827691717 remclPriya1@gmail.com
Finance Department
1 Sh. Rakesh Gupta Chief Financial Officer 9811915501 rakeshgupta1@rites.com
2 Sh. Sunil Kumar Singh Joint General Manager 9810419634 sunilsingh@rites.com
3 Sh. Abhishek Sharma DGM 9891657476 caabhishek.sharma@rites.com
4 Sh. Raj Kumar Senior Manager 9811530147 raj_kumar@rites.com
5 Sh. Neelesh Kumar jain Asst Manager 8424968469 Nilesh.jain@rites.com
6 Ms. Kajal  Jr. Assistant  8851982687 kajal.8587@rites.com
7 Ms. Alina khalique Office Assistant 9821550767 Alinakhalique865@gmail.com

Company Secretary

1 Sh. Ranjan Kr. Tiwary Company Secretary   ranjantiwary@ rites.com