Working at REMC Ltd:
REMC Ltd is an organization which deals with the innovative solutions for managing the power portfolio of IR by implementing energy management and efficient technologies. People at REMC ltd are well versed with skills and expertise in various technical fields. They believe in hard working as well as smart working. Timely completion of the assignments and projects are their trademark. They are ready to shoulder higher responsibilities with full dedication and commitment. Regular training and capacity building programmers in various technical fields makes them competitive and technically sound among the peers.
REMC Ltd believes in “united we stand and divide we fall”, with this annotation company is continuously working in teams to cater the best results to their clients. The best practices of the company strengthen the core expertise of employees and provide them healthy working environment.
S.no | Name (Sh.) | Designation | Contact-Number | E-Mail Address |
1 | Shri. Prem Singh Meena | Director | 7226951116 | singh.ps68@gmail.com |
2 | Sh. Sanjay Singh | Chief Executive Officer | 9717630471 | sanjaysingh.76@rites.com |
3 | Mr. Ved Prakash Pandey | PA | 7903424878 | vedpandey022@gmail.com |
Power Procurement & Planning | ||||
1 | Sh.Manish Tiwari | General Manager - I | 9810404789 | manishtiwari@rites.com |
2 | Sh. Deepak Kumar | Senior Manager | 9718588912 | deepak.chopra@rites.com |
3 | Smt. Parul Mishra | Senior Manager | 9718588913 | parulmishra@rites.com |
4 | Sh. Ashok Gupta | Senior Manager | 9810341569 | ashok6.2007@rites.com |
5 | Sh. Vikash Kumar | Manager | 9650736324 | remc.vikash@rites.com |
6 | Sh. Manivishnu | Manager | 9340808352 | manivishnu.m@rites.com |
7 | Ms. KanuPriya Sharma | Manager | 9868947150 | Kanupriya.sharma@rites.com |
8 | Sh. Rahul Nainwal | Asst Manager | 8126041966 | rahulnainwalremcl@gmail.com |
9 | Ms. Saroj Poonia | Asst Manager | 9784458347 | sarojpoonia7@gmail.com |
10 | Mr. Nandlal Gupta | Asst Manager | 8543987228 | nandlal281292@gmail.com |
11 | Mr. Pappu Kumar | Asst Manager | 9621168304 | pappukumar.rites@gmail.com |
12 | Ms. Ananya Anidita` | Engineer | 7978029191 | anindita.ananyaa@gmail.com |
13 | Mr. Ashwini Anurag | Engineer | 7017625717 | Ashwinianurag10@gmail.com |
Renewable Energy (Wind & Solar)/ Business Development | ||||
1 | Sh. Rizwan Ahmad Jamali | Group General Manager - I | 8604137707 | jamali.r.a@rites.com |
2 | Sh. Surender Kumar Gupta | Group General Manager - III | 9811560868 | skgupta@rites.com |
3 | Mrs. K. Puja | General Manager - II | 9945063911 | k.puja@rites.com |
4 | Sh. Abhishek | General Manager - III | 9205135581 | abhishek@rites.com |
5 | Sh. Vineet Prakash | Sr. Senior Manager | 9810887929 | vpshrivastava@rites.com |
6 | Sh. Prashant Singh | Sr. Senior Manager | 9971001565 | prashant@rites.com |
7 | Sh. Deepak Kumar Singh | Manager | 8629057128 | deepakk.singh16@rites.com |
8 | Sh. Anees Ahmad | Manager | 8383800604 | anees.malik@rites.com |
9 | Ms. Jyoti Singh | Manager | 9599057522 | jyoti1.singh@rites.com |
10 | Sh. MD Motiur Rahaman | Section Officer | 9871236835 | motiur.rahaman@rites.com |
11 |
Sh. Mohd Ayub Ansari |
Engineer | 9773625580 |
ayub.remcl@gmail.com |
12 | Mr. Raja | IT Engineer | 7982091783 | rajkumar00001997@gmail.com |
13 | Mr. Krishna Kumar | Office Assistant | 8084669479 | kk.remcl@gmail.com |
14 | Ms. Priya Mall | Office Assistant | 9827691717 | remclPriya1@gmail.com |
Finance Department | ||||
1 | Sh. Rakesh Gupta | Chief Financial Officer | 9811915501 | rakeshgupta1@rites.com |
2 | Sh. Sunil Kumar Singh | Joint General Manager | 9810419634 | sunilsingh@rites.com |
3 | Sh. Abhishek Sharma | DGM | 9891657476 | caabhishek.sharma@rites.com |
4 | Sh. Raj Kumar | Senior Manager | 9811530147 | raj_kumar@rites.com |
5 | Sh. Neelesh Kumar jain | Asst Manager | 8424968469 | Nilesh.jain@rites.com |
6 | Ms. Kajal | Jr. Assistant | 8851982687 | kajal.8587@rites.com |
7 | Ms. Alina khalique | Office Assistant | 9821550767 | Alinakhalique865@gmail.com |
Company Secretary |
1 | Sh. Ranjan Kr. Tiwary | Company Secretary | ranjantiwary@ | rites.com