Legal and Regulatory services

REMC Ltd. provides advisory services to Indian Railways (IR) on regulatory and contractual matters. It assists in navigating the complexities of energy procurement, power distribution, and renewable energy integration while ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations. By addressing challenges related to power purchase agreements, energy tariffs, renewable purchase obligations, deviation settlement mechanisms, and contractual obligations, REMC Ltd. helps IR optimize its energy usage and procure power at economical costs. REMC Ltd. has empanelled advocates to facilitate IR in contesting legal cases before the Hon'ble Supreme Court, regulatory commissions, and statutory bodies. REMC Ltd. facilitated Indian Railways in obtaining the status of a Deemed Distribution Licensee from the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC). Presently, the matter is sub-judice before Hon’ble Supreme Court.
Through this status, Indian Railways procures economical power via open access, enabling it to secure electricity at competitive rates from power generators. By leveraging this status, Indian Railways ensures cost-effective travel for the community and strives to achieve its mission of zero carbon emissions by 2030. REMC Ltd. has successfully secured various favorable orders from regulatory commissions for IR. In the state of Haryana, the Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (HERC) directed Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (HVPNL) to levy DSM charges instead of imbalance charges for Northern Railway, as per the DSM Regulations, 2019 and reimbursement of the excess amount charged for Railways. Furthermore, REMC Ltd. assisted Indian Railways in obtaining CERC order directing CTUIL to accept RBI (Reserve Bank of India) Letter of Mandate as a payment security mechanism for Indian Railways for grant of connectivity and GNA.